In Memory of




Obituary for Mark B. Craig

Mark B. Craig passed away suddenly on Dec 8, 2021 in his home in Pittsfield Massachusetts. Born in Staten Island New York on March 28, 1956 to Ed and Laura Craig, Mark was a graduate of Curtis High School. He was accepted at West Point but attended Hunter College majoring in Communications. He joined the United States Navy shortly after and served in the Gulf War where he was stationed on a Destroyer in the Suez Canal.

Mark became a true craftsman at Film Photography and Lighting and worked for years at the prestigious Duggal Photo Lab in New York. Mark was a respected Stagehand in New York and was also Security Head at Summer Stage in Central Park for over a decade. He later settled in Pittsfield, Mass where he became the Head of Stage and Security for Mona Golub at the Music Haven in Schenectady, New York. He is survived by his wife Caroline Craig, his mother Laura Craig and brother Vincent Craig as well as surrounding family members John Vincent, Emily, Ian, Emerson, Kevin and Jake.

He spent the last years of his life overcoming many obstacles where he will be missed by his close friends in the community, Frank and Sandy Meyette, Bob Sykes, Vicki Smith, Susan Pietrowsky, Rudy Lu, Dion Zust, Dr Veronica Deyeso and countless others who came to his aid during critical times in his life.

Throughout the highs and lows, Mark always turned to his love and appreciation for Art and Music channeling his favorite tracks from Parliament, Wu Tang Clan, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Fishbone, and Jimi Hendrix with soulful depth as seen photographed here by Richard Lovrich. He was "a gentle soul who liked life and loved people."

FUNERAL NOTICE: Funeral home service for Mr. Craig will be held Thursday, December 23, 2021 at 1 p.m. at Dery Funeral Home, 54 Bradford St, Pittsfield, MA, celebrated by Rev. William Furey. Burial with full military honors will follow at Pittsfield Cemetery.


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